* A person who induces others to break the law so that they can be convicted.

Bob Lambert was a police spy and agent provocateur. He infiltrated Greenpeace in the 1980’s; during his time spying on British citizens he had several sexual relationships and fathered a child. In 1986, under the cover name Bob Robinson he co-wrote a leaflet that led to the infamous McLibel case.

In the 1980’s the McLibel case shone like a beacon of resistance against the growing power of bullying corporations. Whilst McDonalds may have technically won the case morally and in PR terms they were the losers. The role of this agent provocateur, - a term strangely alien to the British political scene, - in this affair has only just come to light.

I believe that morality and ethics have nothing to do with religion. I believe we are all born with a predilection toward human solidarity. It is even possible that the golden rule is innate. As nature and nurture take their course we all learn what is right and wrong. In short we all, sociopaths and psychopaths aside, develop a moral compass. This of course does not mean that we all direct our actions in the way the needle points; only that when we so do we are aware that we are not behaving well. We can sometimes do violence to our sense of what is right, but ‘normal’ people pay a price for doing so.

So what kind of man is Bob Lambert? He leaves behind him a trail of lies and deceit, whatever the justification for infiltration of Greenpeace, what possibly justifies the vile practice of entering into fraudulent relationships with four different women and fathering a child?

In his non justification for his actions Mr Lambert stated that his work had been ‘dangerous.’ Well, certainly had he infiltrated the BNP, Combat 88, the SWP or other far ‘left’ groups with a predilection for bashing in peoples skulls rather than seeking to persuade them of the merits of dialectical materialism, he might have a case, but Greenpeace? Of course their might have been some element of danger had he thought himself at risk of prosecution for some of the crimes he was involved in, though it is safe to assume that he had been reassured that this would never happen.

What seems clear is that whilst imagining himself as some sort of James Bond he was enjoying himself immensely in his hippy persona, all the time his police pay accumulating in his bank account.

People like Lambert do far more damage then any amount of graffiti spraying vandals, phone booth destroyers, or drunken town centre louts. By undermining the basis of human relations, the trust that you are who you say you are. They eat away at the fabric of human relationships leaving terrible wounds in their wake. Additionally in undermining legitimate protest organisations like Greenpeace or those supporting the fight for justice, the likes of Mr Lambert are attacking civil society itself.

There is a case for gathering human intelligence by infiltrating groups of Islamic fanatics or fascist groups like Combat 88. In his actions Bob Lambert has damaged that case.

In answer to my earlier question Mr Lambert is a particularly disgusting human being and he should be pursued and never allowed bury the harm he has done. He has now re-invented himself as a professor of counter-terrorism and extremism. Nick Cohen has written about this.[1] Perhaps Mr Lambert believes that if he prattles nonsense about Islam he can make up for his squalid past life. He should be quickly disabused of this idea.

Whoever Mr Lambert now says he is I would not believe him and, as a small consolation to the people he betrayed, I suspect that he is in truth no longer sure that he knows himself.
For further information see:-

[1]He became foremost exponent of the idea that Britain should combat radical Islam by embracing theocratic groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-i-Islami, which were ultra-reactionary but non-violent. Liberal Muslims and ex-Muslims, who just wanted to enjoy liberal freedoms everyone else took for granted, found that the last Labour government, much of the public sector and a large section of the wider British left were saying that men who wanted to crush their aspirations were the sole authentic representatives of their “community”. Lambert’s contemptuous treatment of women in the green movement was matched by his willingness to ally with misogynists on the religious right.

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